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Classified Information Protection Act
Promulgated, SG No. 45/30.04.2002, corrected, SG No. 5/17.01.2003, amended, SG No. 31/4.04.2003, supplemented, SG No. 52/18.06.2004, SG No. 55/25.06.2004, SG No. 89/12.10.2004, amended, SG No. 17/24.02.2006, effective 1.05.2006, amended, SG No. 82/10.10.2006, SG No. 46/12.06.2007, effective 1.01.2008, SG No. 57/13.07.2007, effective 13.07.2007, amended and supplemented, SG No. 95/20.11.2007, SG No. 109/20.12.2007, effective 1.01.2008, SG No. 36/4.04.2008, supplemented, SG No. 66/25.07.2008, effective 26.09.2008, amended, SG No. 69/5.08.2008, supplemented, SG No. 109/23.12.2008, amended and supplemented, SG No. 35/12.05.2009, effective 12.05.2009, supplemented, SG No. 42/5.06.2009, amended, SG No. 82/16.10.2009, amended and supplemented, SG No. 93/24.11.2009, effective 25.12.2009, amended, SG No. 16/26.02.2010, effective 26.02.2010, SG No. 88/9.11.2010, effective 1.01.2011, SG No. 23/22.03.2011, effective 22.03.2011, SG No. 48/24.06.2011, effective 24.06.2011, supplemented, SG No. 80/14.10.2011, effective 14.10.2011, amended and supplemented, SG No. 44/12.06.2012, effective 1.07.2012, supplemented, SG No. 103/28.12.2012, amended and supplemented, SG No. 52/14.06.2013, effective 14.06.2013, amended, SG No. 70/9.08.2013, effective 9.08.2013, SG No. 49/13.06.2014, amended and supplemented, SG No. 53/27.06.2014, SG No. 14/20.02.2015, amended, SG No. 61/11.08.2015, effective 1.11.2015, amended and supplemented, SG No. 79/13.10.2015, effective 1.11.2015, SG No. 28/8.04.2016; Decision No. 7 of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria of 21.06.2016 - SG No. 49/28.06.2016; supplemented, SG No. 62/9.08.2016, effective 9.08.2016, amended and supplemented, SG No. 71/13.09.2016, SG No. 81/14.10.2016, effective 1.01.2017, supplemented, SG No. 97/5.12.2017, SG No. 103/28.12.2017, effective 1.01.2018, amended, SG No. 7/19.01.2018, supplemented, SG No. 17/23.02.2018, effective 23.02.2018, amended and supplemented, SG No. 44/29.05.2018, amended, SG No. 77/18.09.2018, effective 1.01.2019, amended and supplemented, SG No. 88/23.10.2018, amended, SG No. 17/26.02.2019, amended and supplemented, SG No. 60/7.07.2020, effective 1.10.2020, amended, SG No. 69/4.08.2020, supplemented, SG No. 105/11.12.2020, effective 1.01.2021, amended, SG No. 80/24.09.2021, supplemented, SG No. 62/5.08.2022, amended and supplemented, SG No. 84/6.10.2023, effective 6.10.2023
Chapter One
Article 1
(1) This Act governs the public relations arising in connection with the generation, the processing, and the storing of classified information, and lays down the conditions and procedure for the release thereof and the access thereto.
(2) The purpose of this Act is to protect classified information from unauthorised access.
(3) Within the meaning of this Act, "classified information" is any information which is a State secret or an official secret, and any foreign classified information.